Compare your bank's offer, and save your money !

Our online calculator allows you to compare most bank's mortgage insurance offer against many other insurance companies and instantly calculate your savings. You will be surprised to learn how much money you can save !

Blue Cross
Manufacturers Life
Industrial Alliance
UV Assurance

The easiest, fastest, and smartest way to shop around for mortgage insurance !

InfoPrimes : la manière la plus simple de magasiner pour une assurance hypothécaire

A lot of people forget to shop around for mortgage insurance once their loan has been granted. As a result, nearly 9 out of 10 Canadians pay almost twice as much as they should for mortgage insurance and don’t know it.

If you don’t want to be part of this group, you came to the right place. InfoPrimes lets you shop around for your mortgage while comparing various customized products available to you. There is no faster, easier way to save on your insurance premiums.

Exemple de résultats donnés par le comparateur de polices d'InfoPrimes

Get your mortgage insurance online

InfoPrimes not only helps you shop for the best mortgage insurance rate, but also will allow you to purchase some policies online. We work hand in hand with insurers that offer this kind of insurance online.

Start now  

Here are some details about our services

How much does it cost?

Our services are available at no cost and without any obligation. Since we are paid a commission by all insurance companies, our job is to make your insurance shopping easier!

How long does it take?

Getting all the information that will allow you to compare the various insurance options and analyze the savings that each insurer can offer you is a fast process. It only takes 3 minutes!

Our website is protected and secure

Site Sécurisé par Norton

How much can I save?

You could save up to 45% over the term of your mortgage. This represents the average savings rate of those who have done business with us so far. However, since each case of mortgage insurance is unique, the actual savings tend to vary from case to case.

What if I already have mortgage insurance?

Cancelling a mortgage insurance contract with most banks can be done easily, and without penalties. All it takes is a phone call. In case of personal insurance, our staff will fill out a notice of comparison and will take care of cancelling the insurance for you, still without any penalty.

Do you offer mortgage loans?

We are not mortgage lenders, nor mortgage brokers. Our goal is to help you compare different mortgage insurance products available on the market so that you may save on the cost of your insurance premiums.

Put your insurance to the test today!

Our online mortgage insurance calculator will help you evaluate your savings immediately. Take 3 minutes of your time to compare your financial institution's offer against many other insurance companies. It is simple, fast, and secure!

Start now  

InfoPrimes : la manière la plus simple et rapide de faire des économies sur son assurance hypotécaire

Is the process safe?

Yes, absolutely.
All the information submitted to InfoPrimes is protected, encrypted and secure. We use high-insurance 256-bit SSL encryption technology. This is the same technology that banks and businesses typically rely on to conduct financial transactions over the Internet. Highly secure, it prevents third parties from deciphering the data in transit to our servers, also fully secure.

Avez-vous des questions?

Nos spécialistes peuvent vous aider à mieux comprendre les détails de votre assurance hypothécaire.
N'hésitez pas, nous sommes là pour vous!

Clavardez avec nous !  


Our mortgage insurance calculator will help you to instantly assess your savings. Take 3 minutes to compare the offer from your financial institution to many other insurers with InfoPrimes. It's simple, fast and secure!

Exemple des économies que vous pouvez faire grâce au calculateur en ligne d'InfoPrimes

Calculate your savings !

Our calculator will do the job for you. It calculates the insurance premium offered by most banks, and will give you a quote from many other insurance companies within seconds

Exemple des résultats que vous pouvez obtenir avec le comparateur de primes d'InfoPrimes

Compare the results

Compare premiums that apply specifically to your situation. Prices are calculated based on your age, gender, and smoking status

Exemple de comparaison de polices

Study the fine print

Insurance products suggested by our calculator will offer you an array of options. You can study on all of the details directly on the results page

Exemple de choix de police

Buy online !

Once your choice is made, you can even buy your mortgage insurance policy online. Available with some companies only.

InfoPrimes la meilleure manière de mettre à l'épreuve la police de votre institution financière

What is the difference between our insurance policies and those offered by most banks?

Here is a comparative analysis of your financial's institution offer. You will see the many benefits of getting a personalized mortgage insurance tailored to your needs Choose your financial institution to access the detailed analysis :

Who am I dealing with?

InfoPrimes works hand in hand with the most important insurance companies in Canada.
We compare their premiums, and offer you the very best price on the market, it's guaranteed !

Exemples de résultats - Cas vécus

Alain and Lise

34 and 36 years old - They benefit from savings of $64.64 per month on their mortgage insurance, a total of $27,148 over the term of their $221,000 mortgage loan. This represents 68 months of mortgage payments!


43 years old - Having compared several insurance rates with those of her own financial institution, her monthly savings of $32.88 amount to $9,864 over a period of 25 years.


- After comparing various mortgage insurance rates with the rates of her own bank, she now enjoys $8.69 per month in savings, the equivalent of $3,128 for the term of her mortgage loan of $229,000.

Our partners in mortgage insurance

We are neither insurers, nor managers; rather, we act as brokers and advisors. We work together with the leading insurance companies in Canada. Our knowledge of their products and policies is shared with all of our clients to help them make the best decision. Since we negotiate a large volume of transactions, we can guide our customers through the entire process of getting the most convenient mortgage insurance for their needs

Here are our life insurance and mortgage insurance partners

Put your insurance to the test !

Compare what life and mortgage loan insurance policies your bank has offered you, and save! Our free online calculator compares what 15 financial institutions have to offer in order to help you to save money on your premiums.