Compare your current policy with our mortgage insurance calculator

Only a few steps away from savings..

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How are we different to most canadian financial institutions?

See how InfoPrimes offers different mortgage insurance policies to those offered by major Canadian financial institutions. Compare your current financial's institution offer against an individual mortgage life insurance policy.

Case Studies

Alain and Lise

34 and 36 years old

They benefit from savings of $64.64 per month on their mortgage insurance, a total of $27,148 over the term of their $221,000 mortgage loan. This represents 68 months of mortgage payments!


43 years old

Having compared several insurance rates with those of her own financial institution, her monthly savings of $32.88 amount to $9,864 over a period of 25 years.


After comparing various mortgage insurance rates with the rates of her own bank, she now enjoys $8.69 per month in savings, the equivalent of $3,128 for the term of her mortgage loan of $229,000.

Assurance Hypothécaire - Assurance Vie

  461, chemin Joliette, suite 100,
Saint-Félix-de-Valois, Québec
Canada, J0K 2M0

  1 866 420 5035


Infoprimes Courtage Inc.
AMF permit : 601627

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